What makes a good turkey broadhead?
Leigh Hauck
Amidst the peg-wall of broadheads at your local archery shop, you may have seen a small section dedicated to turkey broadheads. What makes a turkey broadhead different than a big game broadhead?
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What makes a turkey broadhead effective, or not worth your money? This week, I will break down the theory behind turkey broadheads, and you’ll learn exactly what to look for when deciding which turkey broadhead deserves to earn a spot in your quiver!
Just like with big game heads, turkey broadheads come in both fixed and mechanical options.
Mechanical options are typically extremely wide cutting diameters, even larger than would be considered already large, big game heads. I have seen turkey mechanicals that boast up to 4” cut diameters!
Needless to say, these will kill – but that amazing turkey meat might already be precut for you! Mechanical broadheads are also considered single use, and since small game bowhunting is often a high-shot-volume game, this can get expensive.
Fixed blade turkey heads are your only reusable option. The premise behind what makes a turkey fixed blade broadhead effective is its ability to not pass through the animal.
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I know, it felt super weird to type that. In an industry where we are constantly seeking better penetration and more pass throughs, it is strange to promote a broadhead as; “guaranteed not to pass through your animal!”
That is the key in small game bowhunting though. Having a broadhead which hits and sticks in your bird accomplishes a few things. First, 100% of that arrow’s energy will be deposited into the animal, creating a ton of shock and trauma and likely immobilizing the animal entirely.
When an arrow passes through, a lot of energy goes with that arrow into the dirt. On a big game animal, no problem. The cutting is going to be the main killing factor, and you should have no problem tracking that animal a short distance after shot. Turkeys however, can be extremely difficult to track if your shot doesn’t put them down on the spot.
That is the second key to an effective bird broadhead, it is exceptionally difficult for them to run or fly away with a 450-grain arrow sticking out of them. If you don’t stop them in their tracks, they are likely to get the best of you.
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The Tooth of the Arrow Turkey Broadheads take the traditional – and proven – Tooth of the Arrow 4-blade design, but incorporate canine teeth-like cutouts in each blade to guarantee a halt in penetration.
The benefit of this design is in line with every other Tooth of the Arrow benefit that you are used to: durability, resharpenability, and genuine field point flight. Since the turkey heads are literally made out of our big game heads, we can guarantee that they will fly exactly like your other big game broadheads, giving you one less thing to worry about.
There is just no need to pick a brand-new turkey head and hope it flies like your current heads, the Tooth of the Arrow’s will fly exactly like them, because they literally are your current heads! Our new turkey fixed blade broadheads are truly a must-have quiver addition for any bowhunter currently sporting Tooth of the Arrow’s industry leading fixed blade broadheads!
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If you have any questions or would like to discuss the topic further, please feel free to reach out to us at sales@toothofthearrowbroadheads.com
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